inspector gadget

The Banana Splits – Nostalgia Show
The Banana Splits – Nostalgia Show
The Banana Splits – Nostalgia Show
Boy I was thrilled when I heard in August of 2008 that Warner Bros. was going to run classic Banana Splits episodes on the cartoon network. I set my DVR recorded a few and very quickly thought, "I liked this silly show?" The Banana Splits Adventure Hour was an hour-long television program that featured both live action and animated segments of zany goofy fun for kids.
Inspector Gadget – Nostalgia Cartoon
Inspector Gadget – Nostalgia Cartoon
Inspector Gadget – Nostalgia Cartoon
Perhaps inspired by the Maxwell Smart comedy series of the 60's starring the late Don Adams, Inspector Gadget was a famous policeman and detective with a seemingly endless amount of gadgets he can summon by saying "Go-Go-Gadget". After two attempts at the characters voice, producers decided to hire Don Adams himself to get the full effect of the voice, and found that he fit the role perf