Oneonta experienced a 3.0 earthquake at 3:16 am Sunday morning, September 27, 2015.

You may have noticed this quake if you are sitting still, or upstairs in a house. A hanging object, like a model airplane, may swing. We do get the occasional earthquake. Here's a list of earthquakes in NYS the past year.

  • 5 Months ago: Ogdensburg, 1.8 magnitude
  • 6 months ago: Watertown, 1.8 magnitude
  • 7 months ago: Massena, 2.2 magnitude
  • 8 months ago: Massena, 1.7 magnitude
  • 8 months ago: Massena, 1.9 magnitude
  • 8 months ago: Glenns Falls, 1.9 magnitude
  • 9 months ago: Plattsburg, 1.9 magnate
  • 10 months ago: Watertown, 2.0 magnitude
  • 11 months ago: Glenns Falls, 1.6 magnitude
  1. 2015-09-27 03:16:23 (UTC)
  2. 2015-09-26 23:16:23 (UTC-04:00)

Nearby Cities

  1. 15km (9mi) ENE of Stamford, New York
  2. 46km (29mi) NW of Manorville, New York
  3. 51km (32mi) E of Oneonta, New York
  4. 54km (34mi) SW of Rotterdam, New York
  5. 60km (37mi) WSW of Albany, New York

Bonus Video - Behind The Scenes At Brooks BBQ In Oneonta

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