I'm the host of the Flashback Saturday Nite! I also dabble in Ham Radio, computers and I am also a Dad.
Rich Lawrence
So Long and Thanks for All The Fish..
That is a quote from one of my favorite series of books of all time, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to The Galaxy “Trilogy”. That phrase reminds me of all the fun I had reading that series of books, and it kind of sums up the fun I had here at Lite 98.7. After 5 years I’m moving on. And I just wanted to tell all of you who listened to me on the air, and who I worked with in the offices and studios, how mu
Tech Tuesday – Netflix goes Original
If you're a Netflix user like me, you know you can enjoy a lot of movies and TV shows that are available on DVD to rent or buy. And the convenience of Netflix makes it easy to watch them for a low price each month. Now, Netflix is shifting gears and could change the face of entertainment.
Sandra Bullock Donates $1 Million for Japanese Relief Efforts
According to CNN, Sandra Bullock has donated $1 Million dollars to the Red Cross for use in the Japanese Relief effort from the massive earthquake and tsunami last week.
Amish Drag Racing is About Real Horse Power
Police in Ashland, Ohio have charged an Amish man for driving left of the center line while engaging in a horse and buggy race while on his way to church last Sunday afternoon.
Utica-Rome One of The Top 10 Saddest Cities in America
As the LOLCats would say, "I haz a sad". In a survey done by Gallup, the Utica-Rome area was 179 on a list of 188 on a list of the happiest places in America. Being 10th from the bottom of the list kind of makes me feel sad.
Tech Thursday – Streaming Media is Big Business
Netflix, Hulu, ABC, NBC and now Time Warner. What do all of these have in common? Streaming media to you through the internet and making big money.
Tech Tuesday – The Internet Survives the Japanese Quake
Redundancy was built into the Internet from the start. It's primary purpose was to survive a nuclear attack and keep information flowing. And is has done this many times during past disasters, and the Japanese earthquake is no exception. In fact, in a matter of a few hours it was back up to normal traffic levels.
Save Your Fork, It’s Pi Day
Invented holidays are nothing new. The greeting card industry has been doing it for years. But here's one you may not be aware of, and it wasn't the greeting card industry that created it. It was created by a physicist back in 1989.
Tech Thursday – Ooma Telo Internet Telephone
This is another review of a device I have owned for some time, and feel it's really worth the money I paid for it. Plus the fact the basic service is free, makes Ooma Telo a great replacement for a land line phone.
Tech Tuesday – From Dos 5 to Windows 7 in 10 minutes
The Windows operating system is over 30 years old. In those 30 years, Windows has had it's share of innovations and setbacks. Sometimes it's been a big convoluted mess. This video shows someone who, using virtual machine software, upgrades a virtual PC starting with Dos 5 and going through the entire Windows family of OSes up to the current version Windows 7.
Enjoying a Snow Day
Thanks to Mother Nature, we got a lot, and I mean A LOT, of snow just days before the official start of spring. Closings and delays all over the area, but kids I'm sure are enjoying the day, like mine is. And here's a little video to show you. What are your kids doing today?
Tech Thursday – Review of the WD TV Live Hub Media Player
There are many solutions in the marketplace for storing and watching your digital media at home. Pictures, videos, music and now streaming services too, like Netflix. Here’s one solution I found and love to use myself.