Creative Weight Loss: Best Of Beth & Dave
The first week of October brought more morons, questionable research studies and statistics, frivolous lawsuits, and more disagreements between Beth & I on the Lite 98.7 morning show.
You can click on the video for an audio sampling of the Best Of Beth & Dave for the week of October 1, 2018 and/or just follow along to the brief description of the week's highlights (in no particular order) right here:
-Creative Weight Loss. One day's Kinda Hard Question (our daily 7:05 feature) was: You can lose weight by doing this one simple thing as soon as you get home from work. The answer was both enlightening and stupid.
-Suing High School. A woman in St. Louis and her lawyer provided great material for our daily 8:15 feature Your Momma Must Be So Proud.
-Mean Girls vs. Shawshank Redemption. Which movie is better? An actual debate that arose on October 3rd. Guess which side Beth & I took?
-Top New York Candy. The annual report is out, based on the consumption stats from last Halloween, and we're REALLY disappointed in New York State.
-Bathroom Injuries. The subject of one day's Kinda Hard Question, our daily 7:05 feature, and as usual, your incorrect answers were the most entertaining aspect of the game.