What's wrong with people?! A woman was caught going more than 100 miles an hour in a Central New York work zone and her reason will amaze you.

In an effort to get drivers to slow down, speed cameras are scattered around New York in different construction zones each week. It was part of legislation, signed into law in September 2022.

READ MORE: Speed Cameras Coming to New York Roads

Credit - Think Stock/Canva
Credit - Think Stock/Canva

How Speed Cameras Work

The radar captures a photo of any speeding vehicle and its license plate. Either a warning or violation will be mailed to the registered owner.

First Violation: $50 fine
Second Violation: $75 fine if within 18 months of the first violation
Third and Subsequent Violations: $100 fine if within 18 months of the first violation

READ MORE: 70 Speed Cameras Coming to Central New York School Zones

school zone speed cameras in syracuse
Credit - Garrett Aitken/Think Stock

Radar in Central New York

Radar has been set up in the Syracuse area for weeks as construction continues around 481 and 81.

Onondaga County Radar Locations

I-81 near South Bay Bridge
I-481 between I-81 (Exit 9N-S) and Northern Blvd (exit 8)
I-481 just south of I-690 Eastbound ramp to I-481 Southbound

READ MORE: 19 Speed Cameras Where You'll Get a Ticket in New York for Week of June 16

Credit - Umit Yildirim/Unsplash
Credit - Umit Yildirim/Unsplash

101 MPH in 65 MPS Zone

On Thursday, June 19, New York State Troopers stopped a vehicle going 101 mph in a 65 mph zone on I-81 in Cicero as she was approaching a work zone.

What's the rush? Was someone dying?

New York State Police said the driver stated she was speeding because she was late for work.

Say what?! No job is more important than a the life of someone working in a construction zone, or anyone else on the road for that matter.

SLOW down when you're coming upon construction!

"Let’s keep our highway workers safe."

Credit - NYS Police/Twitter
Credit - NYS Police/Twitter
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