This heat wave has many of us feeling the burn, but what is the actual definition of extreme heat that triggers a heat advisory?

Yes, it's hot out. Yes, we know you are probably tired of hearing us talk about how the beat the heat, stay cool, or any other clever way to avoid overheating during this heatwave that's slamming the Capital Region.

The only thing more annoying that us constantly telling you about how hot it actually is are the people who are clapping back with "it's not even that hot" or "this isn't extreme heat." The best one? "It's summer, get over it."

No, I will not get over it. Also the first technical day of summer isn't until June 20th and this heat is coming days before that.

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With all of the Facebook meteorologists out there I wanted to actually see how we define a heat advisory when we're dealing "extreme heat."

According to this is the literal defnintion:

Extreme heat is a period of high heat and humidity with temperatures above 90 degrees for at least two to three days.

Well, it was over 90 degrees on Tuesday and will be over 94 degrees on Wednesday and again on Thursday. So by definition, we are in a period of extreme heat. You literally cannot argue this.

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I know some of you guys are tough as rocks, but there are also people within our community with conditions that could make these high temperatures a real concern. Elderly people and young children could suffer from exhaustion from being out in it. Sometimes it could even be fatal.

Next time you tell someone to "suck it up" just remember you're not the only one that is affected by this.

Now to make you feel better, enjoy these photos of ice bars in Lake George.

Check Out These Super Cool Ice Bars in the Lake George Region

If you are looking for something cool and different to do this winter, head on up to the Lake Geroge region and check out the many ice bars they have to offer. There are full frozen bars you can sit at, enjoy ice luges, fire pits surrounded by ice, and even photo-ops with ice sculptures you can get in or pose with.

Gallery Credit: Visit the Lake George Region & Facebook pages

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