The highly contagious stomach bug known as the norovirus is on the rise and not letting up around New York State.

With families and friends gathering during the holiday season the likelihood of getting sick is pretty high. Add to the fact that there is a very contagious stomach bug floating around, things are really looking too much in our favor.

The norovirus, also known as the winter vomiting bug, has been making a big comeback early on in the winter season. It was first reported before Christmas that this disease was on the rise and wreaking havoc across New York. Now that we're heading towards New Year's Eve it continues to spread.

NBC New York reports that there were 91 outbreaks by the first week of December, when normally at that time there are only 65.

Norovirus symptoms

  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • stomach cramps
  • diarrhea

People will generally start to experience symptoms one to two days after exposure. It is spread through contaminated food and water. So sharing a bite or a sip can be the leading cause of spreading this around large gatherings.

No specific treatment is available. Persons who become dehydrated might need to be rehydrated by taking liquids by mouth. Occasionally patients may need to be hospitalized to receive intravenous fluids.

While it can be brutal to have it is generally over within a day or two, according to the New York State department of health.

Unfortunately we're not even close to out of the woods yet as cases are highest between November and April. We've only just begun this ride. I would avoid sharing food and drinks of you can and also just make sure you're washing your hands to try and avoid spreading germs.

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