New York Might Say Buh-Bye to Daylight Saving
If you’re like us, you can’t stand switching all your clocks back and forth twice every year. The oven clocks, the clocks on your car’s dashboard, even that big clock in Utica (pictured)--somebody's gotta change that sucker twice a year. And they all have different mechanisms and tricks for re-setting the time.
Maybe no more, thanks to Florida Senator Marco Rubio. Remember him? The guy who ran for President a couple of years ago is spearheading a campaign to eliminate Daylight Saving Time, which would include New York State.
The bill is called the "Sunshine Protection Act," which would make daylight saving time permanent across the country. He has also proposed the "Sunshine State Act," just for his home state of Florida. Rubio believes that keeping daylight saving time year-round will benefit the economy.
And think about the advantages. The whole country would be on the same schedule. No more trying to remember which states observe Daylight Saving Time and which states don't. No more doing the tough math to try and figure out if it's too early call your relatives in Phoenix or Indianapolis or San Jose.
Our clocks and wristwatches would always been in synch. What do you think? Any reason why New York shouldn't be in on this deal?