It's not a real man who's been named the most influential man of the year. No, it's fictional international spy James Bond who tops's poll of the most influential men of 2012.
While there are more women in the workforce now than ever before, there are some industries that are still very much dominated by men. Here's the top ten.
Can you remember life before cell phones? It’s hard to do nowadays. Having a cell phone is as vital to your life as breathing, and although breathing is encouraged to continue at all times of the day, talking on your cell phone is not. There is times throughout the day where you shouldn’t have your phone out. Which times?
Men look for different things in women. Some guys like tall women, while others like shorter women. What’s the traits men desire the most?
Guys always get blamed for this but women are at fault too! Are you dating a guy who's afraid to take your relationship to the next level because you they have a fear of commitment? They are under tons of pressure from you and others to tie the knot, but maybe the fear is justified.
Let's be honest everybody lies at some point. Before you start protesting, we're not talking big lies, just the little white kind. Everyone does including yours truly. What are the top lies?
There are many reasons why you're better off remaining single this holiday season. The first choice is saving money on gifts, but what are some other good reasons?