celebrity deaths

Celebrities Buried in New York
Celebrities Buried in New York
Celebrities Buried in New York
There were many famous people throughout history to be born in Upstate New York, but did you know there are also many buried here as well? We have actors, writers, and musicians whose final resting place is a short drive away. If you love the historical element of cemeteries, then you'll love these 7 celebrity burial sites.
Porsche Responds to Lawsuit, Says Paul Walker’s Death Was His Own Fault
Porsche Responds to Lawsuit, Says Paul Walker’s Death Was His Own Fault
Porsche Responds to Lawsuit, Says Paul Walker’s Death Was His Own Fault
Walker’s daughter Meadow filed a lawsuit against Porsche under the banner of “wrongful death,” attributing her father’s untimely death to numerous defects in the car’s design. Industry trade papers are now reporting that officials from Porsche have handed down a response to the lawsuit, claiming that the accident and any injuries sustained therein were ultimately Walker and Rodas’ “own comparative fault.”
Wes Craven in Potsdam
Wes Craven in Potsdam
Wes Craven in Potsdam
Did you know Wes Craven not only worked in Potsdam, but used a home in upstate New York as the inspiration for his infamous film 'A Nightmare on Elm Street?'

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