Men can be some of the easiest people to shop for. Each and every Christmas I hear women say “It's so hard to shop for him”. Why? Men are so easy. I'll prove it, here's simple Utica Stocking Stuffers for men.
Pack Of New York Lottery Tickets
Why not stuff that stocking with the New York Lottery's newest holiday scratch off ticket, the Holiday Hundreds...
It’s February, so that means you’re on the Valentine’s Day clock, fellas.
While knowledge of your special lady should be what dictates what you get her, come the 14, perhaps this survey from Sears of more than 1,000 adults on their V-Day gift preferences can also help you out.
Spent all your money on one really great gift, but think you should also get a small gift so your loved one has something else to open? Think again. New research shows that a small gift could decrease the value of the more generous one in the eyes of the recipient.
At Dog Milk, Christine Martinez and her colleagues spend all year sourcing the best dog-friendly products for modern pups and their design-savvy owners — especially those of you with an eye for urban edge. This holiday season is no exception. They’ve rounded up and want to share some of their favorite gift ideas for you and your holiday hound.
See what Martinez recommends after the jump.
‘Tis the season to receive gifts. Inevitably, some of the presents your friends and loved ones will be nice enough to give you won’t be anything you particularly want or need.
So, do you try to make these unwanted gifts usefull by wrapping them back up and giving them to somebody else who might actually appreciate them?
Traditionally, people think the perfect gift is the one you’ve spent months thinking about and searching for, or the one you spent a month’s salary on, but new research shows that gift recipients are just as happy, if not more, with less expensive gifts, or the ones they picked out themselves.
It’s usually everyone else’s kids who are spoiled (never our own), but a new survey reveals that moms and dads are admitting they have a problem when it comes to spoiling their kids during the holidays.
We know you’ll be inundated with gift ideas this holiday season, but after sharing our ideas for gifts for your vet, we couldn’t resist offering a few of our own favorites for the year courtesy of VetStreet’s Dr. Patty Khuly.
It’s not secret that men are the smartest creatures on the planet. As a male, I’m allowed to say that, and I have to agree. We tend to try and do something that seems like a great idea, then we fail miserably. So don’t be too mad if he screws up big next time!