Every parent has struggled with getting their kids out of bed for school. Science says that's no surprise. Should CNY schools change their start times?
Bedtime can be one of the most biggest struggles for CNY parents - no matter how old the kids are. Kids want to stay up, parents want them to go to sleep. A handy dandy chart has gone viral...but perhaps not for the intended reason.
People often compliment me on my fun upbeat sound on the radio during the early morning hours. I'm often asked, how do you do it? Well, caffeine helps, but there are five things I think everyone must do in order to be a morning person.
As a morning radio personality, the worst thing that can happen is to find myself tossing a turning in bed, unable to sleep. I get up around 4am so I must be tired and ready for bed by 9pm for a good night's sleep and if that's compromised, I'm in trouble.