A New Hartford mom is really going the extra mile to make quarantine with her family fun. She's been treating them to themed-dinners - and the whole family gets involved.
Parents don't always tell kids the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Sometimes, they embellish and sometimes they just make stuff up. Usually it's all done with good intentions - you need to eat some vegetables, after all.
Let's just be honest here: we've have all told our kids little white lies. Now, one food company is actually encouraging it in the name of healthy eating.
I needed a tissue and you may also. Be prepared to be moved by this little girl's words of compassion. How does the phrase go...out of the mouth of babes? Even thought her adopted brother has Down Syndrome, this little girl wouldn't change a thing about him.
Who could forget the heated dispute between Alec Baldwin and his ex-wife. The way he dealt with his daughter was flat out wrong. My younger brother is a clinical psychologist specializing in children and I can say with certainty that the information provided in this article is correct. If you'd like to know how to turn down the heat when there is a family disagreement...