Whitesboro, NY (WIBX) - Hostess' decision to shut down happened only three days ago, but already the manufacturer's closure is having an impact locally.
Hostess shocked America this week by announcing they are halting production immediately. Gone in an instant, seemingly, are the staples of the baked good isle - Twinkies, Ho-Hos and even Wonder Bread. When I went to the grocery store on Sunday, indeed there were no snack cakes or pies to be found. But I did find one Hostess item completely in stock.
Last week we got some sad news. Hostess, the company that makes Twinkies, among other artificially-flavored treats, will declare bankruptcy.
Taking it upon herself to preserve what she calls the “creamy goo that holds this country together” talk show host and sweet tooth Wendy Williams has launched a campaign to “Save the Twinkie.”
It has long been said that a Twinkie would survive a nuclear war. But Hostess, the company that makes the treats, is not so immortal.
In fact, Hostess is expected to file for bankruptcy this week, citing over $800 million in debt. While there is a good chance Hostess will be able to reorganize or be bought out by another company — ensuring Twinkies, Ding Dongs and Ho Hos will remain in stores — it