There’s still quite a while to go until the July 15, 2016 release date of Paul Feig’s all-female Ghostbusters reboot, but the fires of fan anticipation must be continually stoked if they’re going to burn strong enough to last through the winter, and the wasteland of pop-cultural apathy that is the month of January...
Recently, Chris Pratt and Chris Evans visited children’s hospitals in costume as their superhero characters, followed by Johnny Depp dressing as Jack Sparrow and doing the same. And now the cast of Paul Feig’s new Ghostbusters movie have been inspired to use their fame for good, visiting the kids at Tufts Medical Center in Boston.
Here’s something strange in the neighborhood: Deadline reports that Sony isn’t waiting for Paul Feig’s all-female Ghostbusters reboot (with its cast of comedy all-stars Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Leslie Jones, and Kate McKinnon) to debut before planning additional Ghostbuster sequels or spinoffs. They’re already getting to work on what the trade describes as a “guy-themed” offshoot with an all-male cast.
Since the news of an all-female 'Ghostbusters' was announced, we've all had lots of fun attempting to reverse-gender cast the film. Melissa McCarthy! Amy Poehler! Emma Stone!! All that speculation has come to an end. Director Paul Feig tweeted a picture of four women that serves as your an official reveal of the new 'Ghostbusters' cast.
Angry Birds continues its world-wide domination, as the first ever 'Angry Birds' movie keeps on truckin' along, but here's a major new development! While last we heard the film would be ready for a 2016 release with some veteran animators at the helm, today brings our first look at these walkin', talkin', pig-hatin' birds as animated characters. Better still, we finally know who's going to be voicing them on the big screen!
If you're a fan of the very popular show Saturday Night Live, you've most likely seen rising star Kate McKinnon do her impression of Ellen. How would you like to see her impersonation on the Ellen show? It's hilarious!