A study was recently published that says you are 50 percent more likely to lose your phone in the summer time, which makes sense. Here's some tips to lessen your chances!
It takes a lot to stand out in the era of Peak TV, and no one series can resist the siren song of shocking twists. Some lay groundwork more carefully than others, so which major swerves were audiences miles ahead of? From LOST to Star Trek: Discovery, we’ve sleuthed out seventeen that savvy viewers put together long before showrunners intended.
When in high school through the high school radio station we promoted a concert and raised $1000 for the football teams uniforms. That's when I learned the power of getting the word out. The crew at Tim's Pumpkin Patch near Syracuse think that the power of social media can help find a woman who lost a keychain at their farm on Rose Hill Road in Marietta, nearly 10 years ago.
It's been a good long while since we've heard anything on the development of the Wachowski's forthcoming global Netflix drama 'Sense8,' but with shooting set to begin in recent weeks, the world-spanning cast has finally been revealed. The mysterious 'Sense8' will feature 'LOST' star Naveen Andrews, along with Daryl Hannah and 12 others.
It's been almost 10 full years since the opening of ABC's 'LOST' saw the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 marooned upon the shores of a mysterious island, whose various challenges forced them into a mantra of "live together, die alone." While six seasons and an epic finale may not have answered every question raised by inquisitive fans, the majority of the cast all gathered at Sunday's Pa
Women have been swooning over Matthew Fox for years, first while he was on ‘Party of Five’ and later during his run on ‘Lost.’ But according to his ‘Lost’ co-star, Dominic Monaghan, the ladies might want to rethink things…
It’s been a solid two years since ‘LOST‘ finally ended its historic run with the divisive, yet aptly-titled “The End,” but the rumor mill hasn’t stopped churning with ideas and possibilities for a way to continue the Island stories so richly chronicled on ABC. After all, with many of ‘LOST’s mysteries still unresolved, even by the supposed “epilogue” included on the DVD, isn’t a return trip due?
If you ever watched the TV show “Lost” you may have been lost, but also you may know that 4,8,15,16,23 and 42 played a big part. What if you played those in the Mega Millions this past week? What would the payout have been?