
Marine Corps Mom Asking You To Leave The Light on For Third Son in Boot Camp
Marine Corps Mom Asking You To Leave The Light on For Third Son in Boot Camp
Marine Corps Mom Asking You To Leave The Light on For Third Son in Boot Camp
Denise Brigham Baker is a mother of three boys. One of the three is already a United States Marine and the other is in the Army. She has one more boy approaching his last few days of basic training at Paris Island to become a Marine. She is asking the community for help to keep a tradition of hers alive and bright.
‘Cell Phones for Soldiers’ Gives Troops Free Calls Home
‘Cell Phones for Soldiers’ Gives Troops Free Calls Home
‘Cell Phones for Soldiers’ Gives Troops Free Calls Home
One of the most important things for a soldier deployed overseas is constant contact and communication with their family and loved ones. It may be the only relief they have from the stress and trauma of being in combat or in difficult situations. That is why Senator Joe Griffo and AT&T are teaming up with "Cell Phones for Soldiers."
Release a Message to Your Soldier to Benefit Sitrin Military Rehabilitation
Release a Message to Your Soldier to Benefit Sitrin Military Rehabilitation
Release a Message to Your Soldier to Benefit Sitrin Military Rehabilitation
The Sitrin Stars and Stripes Run-Walk is one of the biggest fund-raisers of the year for the organization's military rehabilitation program. One of the biggest services they provide is care for those wounded warriors who have been injured in combat situations. They are doing something new this year that allows you to do something really special!
Surprises His Family [VIDEO]
Surprises His Family [VIDEO]
Surprises His Family [VIDEO]
Ten months can feel like ten years when you're far away from those you love.  Far away in a dangerous part of the world.  Navy Dad Joshua Ashford has been apart from his family for ten months.  Now that he's back from Afghanistan, watch him surprise his wife and two small children.

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