One local mother is sharing her daughter's story in hopes more people, including pregnant women, will protect themselves from the COVID-19 virus by getting vaccinated.
The first pregnancy tests that are equipped with Bluetooth to send the results to your phone are now available, because apparently technology is really getting out of hand.
Imagine surprising your significant other with a box for an Apple Watch - they would be pretty psyched, right? Well, that's what happened to this guy - and his reaction is more than perfect.
Imagine being told you're having a little girl and then delivering a boy. It happened for Kyle and Danielle Williams, who's ultrasound revealed a second daughter was on the way. But on March 3, 2015 Danielle delivered a son. They decided to surprise their family with the shocking news...
The miracle of childbirth is an amazing nine month journey. You are about to enjoy the journey reduced to a six second video from a father who took pictures of his wife during her pregnancy. He then edited them together into a beautifully memorable Vine.