Relationships are fraught will all sorts of peril, from whether those jeans make her look fat to whether you're unknowingly embarrassing your partner in public.
Divorce is the death of a marriage, and is usually such a sad moment. One couple however, was able to see the good in the circumstances, and posted a 'happy' picture of the end of their relationship.
What would you do if an old friend from high school re-connects with you out of the blue then asks to borrow money? That's the dilemma we're faced with on this week's Relationship Round Table.
My wife and I have been together for 15 years, married for over 5 of them. I don't know how she puts up with me. I can be so sarcastic and argumentative, but for the most part, She's a great person and I'm an okay guy. She does her best to provide me with what I really want and I do the same.
Some women are single because they’re too picky. And others happily grow old alone because they go out with guys who simply can’t accept rejection gracefully.
Such was the case with a woman named Lauren, who had but one date with an investment banker named Mike — and then got an email that would’ve sent some women straight to a convent.
No one wants to admit that they are a liar. You may claim you never lie, but think really hard is this entirely true? What about as far as your relationship goes, have you ever lied? Well maybe you did when you first started dating; it’s nothing to be ashamed of. It seems many people tell little white lies when they first start dating.
There’s nothing worse than when you’re in an argument with your boyfriend or girlfriend and you end up saying the wrong things to make the situation even worse. It happens, we all make mistakes, and we’re all human. I tend to make this mistake a lot, but I’m a guy, I don’t know any better! If you want to avoid that big blowout due to saying something worthless that just makes the situation worse c
This time of the year has to be the worst time to diet. Maybe you’re like me, I haven’t been to the gym in a few days, and all I can do is eat a bunch of junk food, as I prepare my stomach for the feasts of all feasts. But if your significant other is trying to diet, maybe you should be on the lookout.
A South African couple got the shock of their life, when, after five years of dating, they discovered they are actually brother and sister! To make matters worse they are expecting their first child! This sounds like a story out of a Lifetime movie, but it really happened! All I can say is it makes for very awkward family reunions!
As you already know, men might not like emotional stuff. Do you really expect us to watch a love story with Vampires? Forget about it! But men do love business.
To much surprise to women, men are pretty similar to women. As a man, we desire certain things just like women. One thing, that may not be as clear, is on occasion we do enjoy a compliment. Hey we are human, we all seek approval. Want to know some of the top phrases to tell your man? Well we got ‘em with today’s relationship advice!