The entire nation has been watching recently while the city of Utica has blown up in argument over a Christmas sign displayed at one of our local fire stations. While observing the resulting firestorm, two basic schools of thought have emerged: The 'to each his own' camp and the 'separation of church and state' camp. After seeing the latter phrase thrown around as if it was written into the founding fabric of our nation, I did some research and what I found was surprising. Take this pop quiz...



The video meandered a bit after making it's initial point, so in case it was unclear, the 'separation of church and state' is simply a metaphor for the concept that our government will never declare a national religion and make it mandatory for all of us to believe a single way (unlike what ISIS and other tyrannical or dictator-run oppressive groups are doing.) Here's the language of the First Amendment verbatim...



So, in other words religion and government must be allowed to coexist without telling each other what to do, or put another way, it is more unconstitutional for our government to step in and make Chief Brooks remove his sign than he is to put it up in the first place. Unless he starts turning his firetrucks into rolling billboards for Christianity, blocking traffic with them and spraying non-Christians with fire hoses, the only offense that exists here (in my opinion) is that there was even any offense at all.

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