3 Unbelievable, Scam Emails I Found Lingering in My Junk Folder
The beauty of email programs today is that there are security measures that automatically place scam emails in your junk folder. The problem with email programs today is that there are security measures that automatically place scam emails in your junk folder. In other words, you never see what's haunting you and as a result, you sometimes let your guard down.
The rules are pretty simple when it comes to phishing scam emails. First, don't reply to the suspicious emails and second, and probably most important, don't click on links. With hyperlinks like, "click here to protect yourself," for example, you're probably clicking on something that's actually putting you in some sort of security danger.
Here are 3 of my favorite scam emails that were actually in my junk folder.
In this email, I have n o idea what cryptic message is being sent but there's no way I'm clicking on the link. Sal was clearly hacked.
This is the classic Amazon phishing email. A person sees the purchase and realizes they didn't buy the item, so they click on the link to fix the problem. The click seals the deal for the scammer. By the way, upon further investigation, the email address is of the sender is Info@Amazoon.com. Bogus.
Here's my favorite.
This scammer must think we're all idiots. The email has errors in it and it's clearly a scam. However, there are naive people who fall for these scams. Delete it and get rid of it along with all of the other garbage in your junk folder.
The reality is that we have to learn from these scam emails and always be on guard because one click can lead to something very bad. Unfortunately, the bad actors are getting more and more sophisticated, making it more and more difficult to distinguish the good from the bad. The classic rule applies best here: it's better to err on the side of caution.
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