This week's "98 Seconds Video" takes Naomi Lynn to Broadway Utica where she meets the Executive Director Derek Clark, and finds out about Kinky Boots...

"Kinky Boots" - It may sound a little inappropriate, but it's not. We're talking about the Tony Award Winning Broadway Musical that's about to take the stage at the Stanley Theatre.

Naomi got the chance to meet up with Derek and get a tour of the Broadway Utica office. Although, the tour quickly ended when Naomi noticed the "boots" Derek was wearing. She had to ask what was up (you would too, in the same situation), and that's when Derek explained that the Broadway Show - That's STILL on Broadway, was making a stop in Utica.

Derek went on to explain how Broadway Shows are different than seeing any other type of show (well, kind of explained it). They also talked about the Gala Event that will happen on opening night of "Kinky Boots." Unfortunately, 98 seconds is 98 seconds, so it didn't make it into the video...


Make sure you look for next week's "98 Seconds with Naomi Lynn" and Derek will explain everything about the Gala on Opening Night... BUT - If you don't want to wait until next week, it's okay. We understand. You can get the full details about "Kinky Boots" and the Gala Event, AND how to get your tickets, by clicking the link below:

For the next few weeks, Naomi Lynn will be talking with Derek Clark and exploring the things around Utica that are all connected to "Kinky Boots." Make sure you keep an eye out for the next few "98 Second Videos."

There are three nights of shows - September 6, September 7, and September 8, all at the Stanley Theatre at 7:30pm. You can stop by the Broadway Utica Office or call: (315) 724-7196 to get your tickets to the show.


We hope to see you there!



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