Admit It…This Is Your Favorite Part of Winter
Going to Utica Comets or Syracuse Crunch hockey games, SU Hoops, skiing, snowboarding, sledding, skating--all are great wintertime activities in Central New York. But there's another experience that's #1 on my list.
Snow Turd Kicking.
Those chunks of grey-brown ice and snow that gather and stick under the wheel wells of your car. They rub against your tires and make steering more treacherous and they compromise the handling of your vehicle.
There's one simple way to deal with 'em: kick 'em to the curb. It's one of the simplest joys of winter. It gives you the same kind of feeling you get when you complete a chore or remove a wart.
Am I the only one? Do you derive joy from Snow Turd Kicking? Do you make believe you're booting an NFL field goal?
Is there a set of rules and etiquette? Are you only allowed to kick 'em off in your own driveway? Is it okay to leave 'em in the parking lot at work? In a parking space on the street or at the mall?