Caitlyn Jenner Prepares For Her Name Change Celebration In New Promo Clip
In a new promo clip for E! Network's I Am Cait, Caitlyn Jenner hosts a party with her closest friends in order to celebrate her legal name change from Bruce to Caitlyn.
The promo opens with Caitlyn getting scolded by a friend for leaving the closet she's been waiting in to enter another part of her house as surprise party preparations go on outside, Cait playfully lamenting, "Okay, here I am, back in my closet..."
The 65-year-old Olympian champion continues to explain during the clip, "Outside right now, they are setting up for my name change. All of the girls, all of my little tribe, have told me that they never really celebrated their name change. They just kind of went through [with] it..." Ever the advocate for her trans sisters though, Caitlyn quickly adds, "So, it’s not just for me. Really, it’s about all of them.”
And perhaps this sense of sisterhood, sharing, and camaraderie is exactly why the celebratory event is just so important to begin with. Our names are some of the most important aspects of our individual identities, and therefore a poignant and crucial component to living an authentic, self-realized life—especially for a transgender person.
As the clip continues, her friends are shown waiting outside, all dressed in white. "I was thinking we should all change our name to 'Caitlyn,' like everybody go to 'Caitlyn,'" jokes one of the reality star's gal pals while seated by the pool in a setup that looks very reminiscent of a water baptism...
And if you're dying to see how the ceremony turns out for yourself, just tune in to I Am Cait, which airs Sundays at 8 PM on the E! network.
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