Dunkin’ Donuts Introduces Gluten Free Snack in CNY
If you avoid gluten for dietary or medical reasons, Dunkin' Donuts throughout CNY are now offering a gluten-free snack you can enjoy.
All Dunkin' Donut stores are now offering individually wrapped Fudge Brownies - which are certified as gluten-free. That's good news for celiac disease sufferers who would like something sweet to grab along with their coffee. Celiac is an autoimmune disorder where the ingestion of gluten causes damage to the small intestine.
The brownie sells for $2 and is part of Dunkin's new "Dunkin' Run" menu, which includes Donut Fries, Ham & Cheese Roll-Ups, Chicken Tenders, and Pretzel Bites.
According to Dunkin’ Donuts’ U.S. Chief Marketing Officer Tony Weisman, “We...recognize the importance of providing alternative choices for people with dietary restrictions or who choose a gluten-free diet, which is why we’re pleased our new menu offers guests a gluten-free Fudge Brownie, which is so chewy and delicious we think everyone will love it.”
Dunkin' Donuts has locations throughout Central New York.