Good Samaritan Pays Bill For Lady in Line Who Was Buying Food For Hungry Children
A good Samaritan helped feed those who need it most, our children.
A member of the Snack Pack Program, that helps feed school children, was picking up food at BJ's Warehouse in Massena, when a man asked what all the food was for. "I told him it was for the Potsdam Central School District students enrolled in the snack pack program. To my surprise, he told the cashier 'I'll pay the bill' and proceeded to give $400 for the groceries," the group shared on Facebook. "What a blessing. So many people care about the young children in our community and want to help in some way. I'm so thankful for the gentleman."
The man is Virginia Sasenbury's father, Bayliss Lee of Messena. "I’m so proud of my dad, who is probably not 100% thrilled that someone finally got a picture of him doing what he does best - helping others," Sasenbury said. "One of the best lessons he taught us as kids was to help others and ask for nothing in return. He is always quick with a helping hand and can somehow always tell when someone is close to losing faith in humanity. Thanks Dad, for always being in the right place at the right time and never thinking twice about giving with both hands."
The Potsdam Snack Pack Program, began in 2016 to provide healthy snacks and lunch items to eligible school children on the weekends and holidays. The all-volunteer community organization serves more than 300 students each week from Head Start to high school level.
The program isn't possible without the overwhelming support from the community. "A man stopped by with 5 $100 bills after a friend told him we were running low on funds," said the program director Laurel Brault. "Another man stopped by with two shopping bags full of food items for the students. There's a woman that donated hundreds of dollars so we could buy food for the students. Each time her check would show up right when we needed it the most. We have some loyal donors who give $10 a month, even though they may be living on a fixed income or just getting by."
To learn more and find out how you can help visit Potsdamsnackpack.org or look for a program in your district.
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