Popcorn. Candles. Wrapping paper. Candy bars. Coffee. Whatever it is, you can be sure there's a kid selling it to raise money. But should parents bring it to the office?

John (not his real name) writes in looking for some advice:

"I work in an office in Rome. About 12 of us work here, and almost everyone has kids. Every week, there's something that my co-workers are selling for their kids school. I get it, everyone is trying to raise money, but it gets crazy. If it's not a candy bar (okay, fine, I'll buy one) it popcorn or candles or coffee. I try to be supportive, but it adds up after a while. Last year, one of the kids was going to a competition in Florida and mom flat out announced to the office that we needed to contribute $10 each to the cause. I'm all about being helpful, but I'm going broke, and some of the moms (sorry, it's all the moms) are really pushy about it. Am I the only one who thinks this should be banned at offices?"

We enjoy a chocolate bar at the office as much as the next person (maybe more than the next person), but we get how things can get out of hand. Do you think selling stuff should be banned at the office? Should kids have to call on family and neighborhood friends to sell stuff?

What do you think? Share your opinion with Beth: beth@lite987.com

If you have a question you want answered in our Monday Mailbag, you can email it to beth@lite987.com.

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