National Grid Rep Answers Questions About Grid, and 2025 Increase
A representative from National Grid was on the Keeler Show on WIBX Thursday morning to discuss the recent announcement that the power company is asking the Public Service Commission (PSC) to approve a 15 to 20 percent rate increase on natural gas and electric beginning in 2025.
Jared Paventi took questions from the Keeler Show and listeners regarding the increase - which estimates show could cost consumers on-average $430 additionally every year starting next year.
Paventi explained that this is most likely a starting point with the PSC, and there's a good chance that the increase will end up being less than 15-percent. He said increases also be spread out over several years. Still, Paventi defended the increases because of needed improvements to infrastructure that were delayed during and just after COVID.
Paventi also discussed several other issues. Watch the interview on YouTube below.
Electric School Buses
Paventi said that the grid is not ready right now to handle such an increase in demand, that would be expected with a surge in the number of electric vehicles. However, he did say that National Grid is moving quickly towards preparing the grid for the future.
Replacement of Home Electric Meters
Paventi said there's work underway right now to replace all residential electric and gas meters, which when updated, will send the data wirelessly back to National Grid, without an employee driving past the home. He said eventually all meters will be updated. He also said no National Grid workers will lose their jobs as a result of the new technology.
Problems with Meter Replacement
A listener in Rome complained that the crew that replaced the meter at his home seemed to be an outsourced crew, and they did damage to his lawn and to the siding and outside wall of his home. Paventi said anyone who experiences any sort of damage can report it to the customer service department at National Grid and they should file a claim for reimbursement. Several listeners added that if a homeowner is not satisfied with the response from National Grid, a complain can be filed with the PSC at this website.
Other ways to file a complaint:
Toll Free Complaint Numbers:
General complaints and inquiries
8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Monday - Friday)
Residential electric and gas shut-offs
7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. (Monday - Friday)
Consumers with hearing or speech impairment can contact the Department of Public Service through the NYS Relay Service by dialing 711.
Fax your complaints via fax to 518-472-8502.
Mail your complaint to one of our offices.
Office of Consumer Services
New York State Department of Public Service
In Person
Visit our office locations in person during the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except holidays.
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