It was a little hairy there for a minute wasn't it. The thermometer took the day off and went inside to grab a cup of hot cocoa. As the temperature plummeted below zero, the great teams got our roads treated and passable even as the snow continued to get blown around by the crazy winds. Their work to keep central New York moving was incredible.

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And then Monday arrived and we all went back to work. And our cars looked like they had been through a Mission Impossible 4 sized sandstorm (i know that was a deep cut). Some windows of my coworkers looked completely covered. My garage has a white outline where my car resides that looks like a crime scene. Sure, that little droid and I have been through a lot together, but I was very fortunate to live in more warm climates for many years and had the option of going out when I chose to so my car has not experienced a whole lot of this in the 3 years I have owned it.

Winter Storm Brings Snow And Ice Conditions To Northeast
Photo by Scott Eisen/Getty Images

Seeing it covered in dirt and salt made me realize I should really look into care tips for my four wheeled friend in these conditions. For many of you this is old hat, but maybe this is a refresher for some of us.

I bought new tires heading into winter knowing I would be encountering somethings that would test the meaning of "all weather." Cleaning your cars tires is essential during this season to maintain great performance. A great tip to help maintain your tires is avoiding puddles. All the salt and dirt loves to collect in these shallow graves.

Wax can be a handy tool as a layer of protection between the marauding salt and the beautiful, susceptible paint of your car's exterior. Keeping it clean will of course help. No one wants their care to rust, right?

winter man brush car snow

I know, I know. "Dude, we already know this. Heck a 5 year old knows this." I get it. But let me enjoy acting like I'm helping you. It makes me feel good about myself.

Magical LED-Lit Ice Castles Returns to Lake George For Cool Winter Walk Through

Take a virtual walk-thru of the Ice Castles and make plans to enjoy the magical experience when it opens in Lake George again this winter. 

10 Important Items to Prepare for Another Hudson Valley Winter

Orange County Emergency Management - NY is encouraging residents to begin preparing for winter, which officially begins on December 21st. Residents should always have the following items available:

Albany's Top 10 Snowiest Winters Of All Time [RANKED]

Another Upstate New York winter is upon us. And while it is popular for forecasters to predict a cold and snowy winter ahead, how much snow would it actually take to make it an all-time winter when it comes to big a big snowfall total for the season? In the average winter, the National Weather Service (NWS_ says we get 59.2 inches of snow in Albany. We will have to crush that number this winter for the season ahead to make this NWS top 10 list of our snowiest Albany winters on record.