Magazine Covers From Days Following September 11, 2001
The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 brought the world to a standstill, with all eyes focused on New York City. Below are some of the more iconic magazine covers from the days and weeks following the tragic event.
September 14, 2001The cover of Time Magazine's September 14, 2001 edition featured a chilling photo of the second plane crashing into the World Trade Center. The cover was named one of the Top 40 Magazine Covers of the Last 40 Years by the American Society of Magazine Editors. Included in the issue were stories of survivors, photographs and a salute to those who were killed.
September 13, 2001Newsweek Magazine released a special edition centered on the attacks on September 13, 2001. There were no ads in the issue, which featured stories, photos of the attacks as well as maps and additional coverage.
The Village Voice
September 25, 2001The cover of the September 25, 2001 edition of The Village Voice featured a goosebump-inducing photo of the terror-altered New York skyline, with a postcard featuring the Twin Towers held where they once stood and the moving words, “Wish you were here.”
October 1, 2001The October 1, 2001 special edition of Fortune Magazine was entitled “Up from the Ashes” and featured a businessman, covered in ashes and walking the streets of Manhattan after the attacks. Among subjects examined in the issue was what was next for Wall Street after the attacks.
Sports Illustrated
September 24, 2001In the days following the attacks, even Sports Illustrated devoted its cover to the tragedy, focusing on how the events affected the sports world in an issue titled “The Week That Sports Stood Still.”
The New Yorker
September 24, 2001The September 24, 2001 issue of The New Yorker featured the black silhouettes of the Twin Towers on a cover by Art Spiegelman. The cover was listed in the top 10 of the Top 40 Magazine Covers of the Last 40 Years by the American Society of Magazine Editors.
September 24, 2001The September 24, 2001 issue of People Magazine featured the smoking Twin Towers and was titled, “The Day That Shook America.” The entire issue can be downloaded in PDF form on People's website.
New York Magazine
September 24, 2001In the opening lines of its special issue on the attacks, New York Magazine editors wrote, “”It was an attack on us. We didn't experience it through the mediation of CNN, but on sidewalks or rooftops or terraces or parks—if we were lucky enough not to be in the midst of it.”