It's another Friday, and another lucky workplace in the Central New York area received a special delivery from Lite 98.7

Feed Me Friday Winners - The Salvation Army in Utica
Naomi Lynn/TSM

It's another 'Feed Me Friday!' A big congratulations to the Salvation Army in Utica - They were our winners, and they had McDonald's breakfast delivered to them this morning!

The workers at the Salvation Army in Utica should thank Stephanie for entering them into the 'Feed Me Friday' contest - without her, this wouldn't have been possible! So congratulations to the Salvation Army, and Lite 98.7 hopes you enjoyed your free breakfast.


You have a chance to be our next 'Feed Me Friday' winner and get McDonald's breakfast delivered to your workplace. Just click the button below to enter.

You never know... We could be delivering some delicious breakfast to your workplace next! And a big congratulations to all our past winners, as well.



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