Need To Stay Home to Recover From Avengers or GoT? Here’s A Note
Too emotional after all the deaths in 'Avengers' and 'Game of Thrones' this weekend? That's okay, Beth & Dave are writing you an excuse note so you can stay home to recover.
Look, you're emotionally overwrought - we get it. You need a little time and space to recover from all the people who we lost over the weekend...(if you haven't seen who died yet, you can see the Avengers list here, and the Game of Thrones list here - but don't say we didn't warn you: SPOILERS, obviously!) So, Beth & Dave have got you covered - we wrote you a note to excuse you from work. Just show it to your boss, or print it out and send it to the office.
There - you should be all set. Need us to call you boss? Just email their name and number and whether you're recovering from Game of Thrones or Avengers, to beth@lite987.com and we'll call in for you.
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