Neil Patrick Harris Shows Up in His Underwear at the 2015 Oscars [PHOTO]
Every year the Oscars leaves us with so many social media presents. While the harvest will be undoubtedly plentiful for 2015, we're particularly impressed with the package the Oscars left for us in the form of Neil Patrick Harris' ... package. This year, Harris walked on stage in his tighty-whities and black socks.
You probably haven't seen it yet. But soon, you will see it everywhere.
At the time, Harris was acting out a sketch where he played the part of Michael Keaton in Birdman. He perfectly imitated each of Keaton's immaculate little mannerisms, before walking on stage in nothing but his underwear. The audience screamed. Others felt silent. Somewhere, somebody (undoubtedly) collapsed.
Black socks and tighty-whities may not be the sexiest look of 2015 (maybe try loafers instead?), but Harris' perfectly chiseled body and deadpan delivery stole the stage. It's slightly more PG-rated than some of the singing and dancing we've seen tonight, and endlessly retweetable. It's bound to crash the Internet.
Reviews of Harris' performance tonight have been mixed, but reviews of his body have been consistently stellar across the board. Growing up, we're taught to imagine the audience in their underwear, so as to limit our anxiety. But tonight, Harris flipped the equation and showed us his perfectly bleached briefs, for our endlessly viral pleasure.
Check out PopCrush's live coverage of the 2015 Oscar's all night long. We'll be sitting with our jaws dropped, right here with you.
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