Hotel Utica Ghost Caught on Camera [VIDEO + PHOTOS]
At this year's Haunts and Legends Live event at the Hotel Utica one guest who explored the forbidden 13th floor took a photo of what looked like two bright lights. When she looked further she couldn't believe her eyes! She had captured what appears to be evidence of the Hotel Utica ghost.
Vicki Chwazik of Utica snapped the photo at 9:51 p.m. on Halloween night and at the time thought she saw something, then her photos confirmed it. What she appears to have taken a photo of is a man in a cloak, with a beard, in a top-hat. There was nobody that fits this description present at the event or with her group when they were exploring. What she thought were two bright lights turned out to be the eyes of a ghostly figure. Here is a better photo:
Whether you believe or not, the interview above and the photos make the argument for the existence of Paranormal Activity at the historic Utica landmark, quite credible!
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