Representative Richard Hanna Questions Officials on Marcy Nano Site Delays [VIDEO]
Often we ponder, why do politicians sometimes prevent growth? Is there some hidden agenda to keep unemployment high? Recently U.S. Representative Richard Hanna confronted the top two officials of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers about Mohawk Valley EDGE’s denied permit for a proposed nanotechnology site in Marcy, N.Y.
Do they want long term unemployment to keep people from forming unions? Is it to have those with decent jobs cherish them more and work harder for less money? Why do we sometimes see progress slowed? It's good to see some politicians ask questions.
Here's what Rep. Richard Hanna said during a hearing of the Transportation & Infrastructure Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment.
"This is a severe crime against this community. What we believe is that the most draconian and harsh approach was taken in this process. It has been appealed…tens of millions of dollars from an otherwise very economically depressed community has gone into this and we still have no resolution. What we seem to have here – and what is I’m told is spreading to other states and Congressional Districts - is the Corps halting economic development and holding up good-paying jobs over a brand new interpretation of the Clean Water Act"
You can watch the full exchange here.