Swat Carefully CNY: Those Wasps and Bees Remember Your Face
The next time you swat at a wasp or bee in Utica, you'd better make sure you connect - because they remember your face - and they may hold a grudge.
Have you ever felt like wasps are out to get you? There could be something to that after all. It turns out, they can remember your face.
We already know animals like crows can remember your face (and let's face it, they're pretty smart to begin with) so you probably don't want to tick them off. Now, science says bees and wasps can too.
According to IFLScience, "when these insects view an individual (be it another insect or the person who just pissed them off by swinging a newspaper at them), their field of vision is broken up into hexagons from the thousands of ommatidia that make up the compound eye. Essentially, they process information based on these chunks from the structures in the eye that act as individual units and put the entire picture together."
Bottom line: they know who you are, and they know you missed.
Several years ago, I had my own wasp standoff - one was in my garage, and I tried to smush him with a shoe - but he got away. A few hours later - I walked out into the driveway, and got dive-bombed by a wasp who stung me several times, on the face.
Is it a coincidence? Who knows. But Mr. Wasp wouldn't be the first (or last) animal to hold a grudge. Recently, a hunter shot an elk with a bow and arrow, but didn't kill the elk. The next day, when the man when back out to hunt some more, the elk killed him.
Does your pet hold a grudge? Have you ever thought you were being 'targeted' by an insect or other critter? Share your story at beth@lite987.com
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