Today’s Emergency Alert Notifications are a Scheduled Test
You'll be getting a loud text message from President Trump today.
Well, not exactly, but kinda.
FEMA is conducting an Emergency Alert System test and Wireless Emergency Alert test on this afternoon. The messages will be sent to cell towers 2:18 p.m. EDT, and on television at 2:20 p.m EDT.
On your cellphone the message will read: ''Presidential Alert'', and “THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed.”
A release from FEMA says the wireless alert will be broadcast to cell towers for 30 minutes. All cellphones which are on, in range of an active cell tower and whose carrier participates in WEA should receive the message.
Additionally, TV and radio stations - including satellite TV and radio - will a similar message for one minute.
The systems are being tested in conjunction with the FCC and the National Weather Service to test the ability to warm the mass public of national emergencies.
The test was scheduled for last month but was postponed due to Hurricane Florence.
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