Tour One of New York’s Most Haunted Cemeteries That’s Closed to the Public
You can take a tour of one of New York's most haunted cemeteries that has been closed to the public.
Pinewood Cemetery in Troy, or Forest Park, holds the graves of veterans of the Civil War, the Spanish American War, and World Wars I and II, according to the Brunswick Historical Society. "The cemetery has long been closed to the public and is often vandalized."
Some say the cemetery is so haunted you can never leave once you enter. Legend has it the Headless Angel bleeds from the neck at night. The 'blood' on the statue could be due to a moss that, when rubbed on a humid day, turns red, according to
Others have said voices and footsteps of children can be heard in the bushes, there's a weird green glow coming from the crumbling mausoleum and the crypts all went empty one day back in the 20's or 30's.
Rumor had it the cemetery ranked in a Life magazine article entitled "Top Ten Most Haunted Places in the Country," but that article is nowhere to be found.
Some also say the cemetery is the "Gateway to Hell."
Tour the cemetery on October 26th with the Town Historian and learn what's real and what's just an urban legend....if you dare.
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