Where’s The Respect? Snowmobilers Cut Down Closed Trail Signs In Deerfield
Some people never change, but the amount of disrespect shown by these snowmobilers is mind boggling. The answer should be simple, FOLLOW THE RULES!
On Saturday, Deerfield Snow Trails posted pictures on their Facebook of even more snowmobilers disrespecting the trails. People this weekend decided to continue riding on trails clearly marked as closed to the public. Several decided to drive around the posted signs, others blatantly tore them down.
This comes only three days after these trails were closed by the landowners. The decision was made after four snowmobilers reportedly left the marked trails and destroyed private property. Additional reports were made against snowmobiles with fixed tailpipes, making them obnoxiously loud and disruptive.
There has been a mixed response from people on Facebook. A majority are not happy with the snowmobilers. Some community members have suggested and volunteered to set up trail cameras on the property. Other people believe it's something the landowners just have to "deal with". At the end of the day, private property is private property. Regardless of how much you spent on your snowmobile.
Deerfield Snow Trails wants to remind everyone that a majority of their trails run through privately owned property. People should be grateful they are allowed access to privately owned property every week. They have extended a big "THANK YOU" to all the landowners with land on the trail.
To reiterate their previous announcement, Route S75B is closed from the covered bridge at Junction 111 heading west until Junction 43. The trails will remained closed for the rest of the season with no updates yet to the future of the trail.
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