cell phones

Teen Using Cell Phone Walks into Snake Pit
Teen Using Cell Phone Walks into Snake Pit
Teen Using Cell Phone Walks into Snake Pit
By this point, it should be fairly obvious that getting distracted by a cell phone can be extremely hazardous to your health. And yet, a teen girl in California actually fell into a pit of rattlesnakes while searching for a signal in the desert. Need further proof? We didn't think so.
US Government Agency Begs to End Cell Phone Use While Driving — Health Check
US Government Agency Begs to End Cell Phone Use While Driving — Health Check
US Government Agency Begs to End Cell Phone Use While Driving — Health Check
Studies about the dangers of using a cell device while driving have produced mixed results — some say talking or texting behind the wheel can increase the odds of a crash exponentially, while others say the perils are few. Regardless, the National Transportation Safety Board is so convinced of the dangers of “distracted driving” that it’s now called for a nationwide ban on non-emergency cell phone
How Your Cell Phone Makes You Look Like A Goof Ball
How Your Cell Phone Makes You Look Like A Goof Ball
How Your Cell Phone Makes You Look Like A Goof Ball
Approximately half of all Americans will have a smart phone by Christmas of this year. Smart phones do some great things for us. I can’t imagine life before my iPhone. Things are so simple with it, I love it. But the beauty of smartphones can be overlooked by some goof balls out there.
Why Are People Who Think Wi-Fi Makes Them Sick Moving to West Virginia?
Although most scientists believe the electromagnetic radiation emitted by technology such as Wi-Fi and cell phones is largely harmless, a small group of people nevertheless believe they suffer from a malady called Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity, or EHS. The five percent of Americans who think they have EHS allegedly experience such symptoms as chest pains, headaches, and hearing loss. Some of th
New York Taxing Your Cell Phone At All Time High
New York Taxing Your Cell Phone At All Time High
New York Taxing Your Cell Phone At All Time High
It’s no big secret that New York has some of the highest taxes in the country. Property, sales, and income to name a few. But a new report also shows that New Yorkers pay more than 20 percent of their wireless bills in taxes and fees thanks to outdated and duplicated surcharges.
Times Not To Use Your Cell Phone
Times Not To Use Your Cell Phone
Times Not To Use Your Cell Phone
Can you remember life before cell phones? It’s hard to do nowadays. Having a cell phone is as vital to your life as breathing, and although breathing is encouraged to continue at all times of the day, talking on your cell phone is not. There is times throughout the day where you shouldn’t have your phone out. Which times?