
Why Can’t I Comment on YouTube?
Why Can’t I Comment on YouTube?
Why Can’t I Comment on YouTube?
YouTube, which is owned by Google, made substantial changes to their commenting feature this week. and if you've tried to comment on a YouTube video, you may have noticed some changes.
Diagon Alley Joins the Muggle World of Google Maps
Diagon Alley Joins the Muggle World of Google Maps
Diagon Alley Joins the Muggle World of Google Maps
Like many Harry Potter fans, we are convinced that our Hogwarts acceptance letter was hidden away by cruel parents on our 11th birthday, or else it somehow got lost in owl-post. Either way, we've been cruelly denied the opportunity to stroll the famous, cobbled street in order to shop for magical school supplies.
What is Waze?
What is Waze?
What is Waze?
Google opened their checkbook today and purchased an app called Waze. So what is Waze and why did Google spend $1.3 billion to purchase it?

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