Three of the Best State Parks in the Country Are Right Here in New York
Some of the best places to visit are right here in New York. On a list of the Top 25 state parks in the country - New York is home to three of them.
You don't have to travel far in New York to see some of the most breath-taking and spectacular views. If you live in the state you already know this, but other places around the United States probably don't realize all that New York has to offer (a lot of people just see New York City and that's it).
Luckily for us, Thrillist understands that there's more to New York - Including all the beautiful state parks we have. They created a list of the Top 25 state parks across the country, and can you believe it? Our state has three parks that made the cut (okay we know... It wasn't that shocking).
The first one to make their list was Niagara Falls State Park, coming in at Number 22. According to Thrillist,
...America's oldest state park remains popular for a reason -- or 750,000 of them, which is the number of gallons of water rushing over the falls every second.
The next one from New York to make the list was Letchworth State Park - Hitting the Number 13 spot. This one is no surprise (although Niagara Falls State Park wasn't really a surprise either, unless you forgot that it was an actual 'state park'). Letchworth State Park has some of the most spectacular views, with giant canyons, beautiful waterfalls, and a look into nature like you've never seen before - It's no wonder a lot of people refer to it as the "Grand Canyon of the East."
Coming in at Number 5 on Thrillist's Top 25 State Parks is the one and only Adirondack State Park. How could they not include this one - It's huge! It's the biggest state park in the country, with mountains, thousands of rivers and lakes, hiking trails, campgrounds, and everything else you could possibly include in a state park (including over a hundred towns and villages).
Were you surprised to see these three state parks on the list? Probably not. But it's still pretty cool when New York is getting noticed for something more than just New York City. Thanks Thrillist!
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