American Heart Association’s Survivor Class 2017: Meet Elvira Marotta
Elvira Marotta is a wonderful 90-year-old woman who is a member of the American Heart Association's "Survivor Class 2017." She shares her heart story with us...
Elvira's story is a reminder that it's SO important to have regular check-ups, and see your doctor even if you don't feel like anything is wrong. Seeing your doctor regularly can prevent heart problems and help detect any concerns before they become major issues.
In the video (at the top of this page), Elvira says she didn't feel like anything was wrong. She didn't have any problems breathing or anything that would make her (or anyone else) think she was having issues with her heart. Her physician noticed that she had a narrowing of a heart valve. Elvira went along with her daily life and because she had regular check-ups her doctors were able to keep an eye on her condition. Her physician noticed the narrowing was getting worse and worse, so Elvira eventually had to see a cardiologist. "I was pretty lucky that it turned out as well as it did."
Elvira is still living a wonderful life. She takes care of her house, she still drives, although "not after dark anymore." She enjoys spending time with her family and friends.
Elvira credits having a healthy lifestyle for getting her through all her years. She does have an important message about women and heart health...
Early detection by your primary care physician is very, very important. So keep up with your yearly physicals. And this way if something isn't going right for you, it will be detected early on.
The "Go Red for Women" campaign asks you to find your "why." Why should you have regular check-ups and keep a close eye on your heart health? Who and what do you want to be around for? That's your "why." Watch the video (at the top of this page), to learn about Elvira's "why," and why she is proud to be a part of "Go Red for Women."
Coming up in May is a very special event, the "Go Red for Women Luncheon" at Daniele's Banquet Specialists in New Hartford. It will be an afternoon of survivor stories (and the entire "2017 Survivor Class" will be featured), heart attack and disease information, and will bring awareness to women's heart health. Please join us for luncheon on Wednesday, May 3rd from noon to 1pm.
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