Beware of Facebook ‘Summer Sale’ Scam Spreading in CNY
You may have seen the posts touting summer sales from some recognizable brands. Don't click - it's a scam.
Everyone loves a great sale. What's better than getting a brand you love at a discount? You may have seen - or even been tagged in - a post on Facebook listing all the great brands offering sale prices up to 50% off, with an invitation to click through to an "outlet" where you can take advantage of these great deal. Don't do it. It's a scam.
Often, it will look like the post was shared by a friend. Sometimes it is unknowingly shared. Other times, the account will have been fraudulently accessed.
Here's just one variation making its way around Facebook. (I've been tagged in three this past week alone.)
One of two things (both of which are not good) can happen if you click on any of the links:
- You go to a link that infects your computer or device with a virus
- You are actually able to make a purchase through the website, but you don't actually receive any merchandise - and the scammers have your payment information.
If you do see one of these posts - or get tagged in one - be sure to report it to Facebook.
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