Can You Top THIS Special Seasonal Dish?
The Utica-Rome area has its own unique food items and dishes--chicken riggies, pusties, tomato pie. With trick or treating still fairly close in the rear-view mirror, we're nominating an additional seasonal dish (above) prepared every Halloween by my friend Steve's wife.
He calls it "delicious and grotesque," says the eyes (olives?) are REALLY scary in person, and calls it a big hit in his family, who we're temporarily deputizing as Central New Yorkers.
There was a lot of reaction to this on Facebook, from folks in the Mohawk Valley and beyond...
Anthony Hill: "Meat>Gingerbread."
Sharon Faelten: "Now I'm going to have bad dreams."
Pat Nally: "Looks delicious."
Laura Robinson (wife of former Syracuse football coach Greg Robinson): "Wish I'd seen this when my kids were young."
A few people offered their own special recipes and dishes that are famous at their house...
Lisa Hodgkins (on her husband): "Chip made a mummy meatloaf one year...the bandages were made of bacon - delish." Here's the "before" shot:
Jim Jerome (the former Watertown, Syracuse and NFL player) said: "Critter heart."
When asked to explain that last one, Jim asked back: "Don't you hunt? How can you possibly live up to your wedding vows if you cannot promise to keep your bride safe and nourish her from the land in the tough times?"
Good question. I guess we're comin' over to your house, Jim.
Anyone else with any special seasonal family recipes or food traditions to share? We'd love to hear about 'em, preferably with pictures.