What Central New Yorkers Say is the Best Thing to Have on the Grill
Burgers, steaks, and everything between, what's best to have on the grill? Well, we asked and you answered...
In honor of the unofficial kickoff of summer (this past weekend), earlier this week, we asked you, our listeners and followers, what you think is the best thing to have on the grill. We gave you a few options, like steak, burgers, chicken, or hot dogs and brats, but we wanted you to pick only one. As if this is the only thing you could ever have on the grill again. We also let you choose "other" if you wanted, but you had to tell us what that "other" item would be.
I think it's safe to say you didn't disappoint with your answers. This question was posted on our Facebook Page on Monday afternoon, and we decided to take a look at the results last night (Thursday, May 31st). Alright, so here we go - Here's what YOU decided is the best thing to have on the grill...
Steak won with the most votes, and by a long shot with more than 50% of people who answered, naming steak as the best. Second place went to burgers. Hot dogs and brats took third place and chicken took fourth. Technically, chicken came in fifth. We had quite a few people answer "other," and ribs were named more times than chicken was actually voted for.
Some of our favorite "other" answers? Well, Kristen said homemade grilled pizza, which sounds fantastic. And is something I definitely would like to try. Marj said bacon wrapped scallops, and Tracy said veggie dogs and veggie burgers. Pork chops was mentioned many times as well.
But there you have it, if you ask a Central New Yorker what's the best thing to cook on the grill, odds are they're going to say steak.