Five years after its final series left the air, CSI is returning with a revival of the original series. Now called CSI: Vegas (echoing the way each of its past spinoffs were titled, like CSI: Miami, and CSI: NY), the show will bring back cast members William Petersen, Jorja Fox, and Wallace Langham to once again play their roles as Gus Grissom, Sara Sidle, and David Hodges.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the revived CSI will “focus on an ‘existential threat’ to the Las Vegas crime lab, which brings together a new team of forensic investigators and veterans of the lab.” Petersen was the original CSI lead, and starred on the series for the first nine seasons; he made occasional guest appearances after that, including on the series finale. Fox appeared in every season but one as either a recurring or regular cast member; Langham joined the show as a recurring character in its third season and remained with the show until the end. No other CSI alums are confirmed for the new show at this time.

The CSI franchise in all its forms has been one of CBS’ most reliable series of this century. Its four shows combined to produce nearly 800 hours of television to date. The only question: What Who song will be the theme song? The original CSI used “Who Are You” as its theme; each of the spinoffs followed that formula. (Miami had “Won’t Get Fooled Again,” NY used “Baba O’Reily,” and Cyber used “I Can See For Miles.”) Given the durability of the franchise and the return of the original actors, how about “Young Man Blues?”

Gallery — Sequels That Claimed to Be the Last But Weren’t:

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