Does New York Officially Have the Worst Roads in the Entire Country?
New Yorkers know our roads suck, but could they actually be the worst in ALL 50 states?!
A recent analysis by MoneyGeek took a hard look at roads across the U.S. to determine which states had the most work to do on their infrastructure. Local and state governments spend billions of dollars annually to help maintain their roadways, but sometimes it doesn't seem that way. Taxpayers are left gritting their teeth and swearing at the top of their lungs when they hit an unsuspecting pothole.
Is there anything more jarring than hitting a deep pothole? It can wake you up faster than a cold water bidet. Growing up, my dad knew of every pothole within a 10 mile radius. He'd give you real-time updates on how far you were away from one. "You're about 500 meters from a large pothole on your right, be careful." It was superhuman. He was like R2-D2 beeping warnings at Luke in the X-Wing.
New York has brutal winters to contend with, making road maintenance extra challenging. Five months of salt and ice means your roads aren't going to be picture perfect. But we're not the only state to get harsh winters. So are our roads really the worst in the U.S.?
MoneyGeek found that 1 in 10 roads in the U.S. were in poor condition, and California tops the list with the worst roads. But New York was #5.
Here were top 10 states with the worst roads:
- #1 - California
- #2 - Rhode Island
- #3 - Nebraska
- #4 - Wisconsin
- #5 - New York
- #6 - Hawaii
- #7 - Massachusetts
- #8 - Louisiana
- #9 - Michigan
- #10 - New Jersey
For a more detailed breakdown and metrics, check out their study here.