Don’t Throw Out Those Old Legos, Here’s What To Do Instead in Utica/Rome
Every kid plays with LEGOs at one point in their childhood. Small bricks that you might step on as a parent and scream in the middle of the night. Big bricks to build big sculptures. Heck, maybe your parents still have yours lying in a box at their house. If you've discussed tossing them in the trash, there's another alternative that actually helps everyone.
LEGO is working with Give Back Box to help you share the power of play with children who need it most. All you have to do is box up whatever LEGOs that aren't being loved anymore, print off the shipping label and send them off.
Any and all. Duplo, small bricks, big bricks. They don’t need to be full sets. Just place whatever bricks you’d like to donate inside a box and go to There you will be able to print out a free shipping label. You can then drop the box off at your local shipping office. The website will also provide you with a tax deduction receipt if you’d like.
You don't even have to clean your LEGOs! Give Back Box will be sorting and cleaning the bricks before donation. To help them in their job, you can try to remove obviously damaged or disfigured bricks from your donation.
After you send them in, Give Back Box cleans the LEGOs and boxes them up, then they are donated to organizations such as Teach for America or Boys & Girls Clubs of America.
So far throughout this Give Back Box campaign, over 11,500 boxes have been shipped full of LEGOs, with over 300 thousand pounds of bricks. According to LEGO, that leaves 42,350 children playing with LEGO Replay donated bricks.
So maybe you discovered during quarantine boxes of bricks just sitting, and you were trying to figure out what to do with them. Don't throw them out, donate them instead.
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