Horrible Hazing Uncovered At This SUNY College
Despite its lofty ranking as the 21st-best public school in the country, as assessed by usnews.com, SUNY-Plattsburgh was recently stung by the same extreme and criminal behavior that has become so prevalent on college campuses in recent years--out of control hazing.
At an off-campus building which housed the Pi Alpha Nu fraternity, excessive and forced underaged drinking, paddling, and other illegalities were perpetrated on underclass pledges.
"Animal House" would be considered tame.
Pledges were urinated and vomited upon, forced to drink large amounts of beverages--alcoholic and otherwise--and had to ingest live goldfish, chewing tobacco, and various concoctions of raw sardines and condiments.
The pledges were also made to exercise to exhaustion, nausea and vomiting, and sometimes forced to roll around in their own vomit.
They were also subjected to other forms of mental and physical punishment often reserved for prisoners of war.
The fraternity house has been suspended and charges have been filed against 22 current members of Pi Alpha Nu, with charges pending against at least five other former brothers no longer at the university.
For further details, refer to an excellent piece written by Cara Chapman for the Plattsburgh Press-Republican.
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